Monday: limited schedule for Christmas Eve with one hybrid class at 922 and Monon. We will be working through a series of Tabata movements that is an old school CrossFit benchmark. Tuesday: Happy holidays! The gym will be closed today. Enjoy an at home workout or a nice rest day! Wednesday: last day of the limited schedule for the week with Open gym at 922 and Monon. Thursday: back to our normal schedule today and back to our strength cycle with some pulling, We are getting back into the swing of things with a fun couplet of gymnastics movements and some light lifting. Friday: getting back on the bar again today with Olympic lifting work. You can use today to practice technique or get heavy. You will finish out the day on a 15:00 AMRAP with some cardio movements and a bit of moderately weighted lifting. Saturday: finishing our week out on the agility ladder to warm up before taking on a long 3 round workout that will include your jump rope!]]>
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