CrossFit Weekly Programming Preview : 8/14/17-8/20/17

Pizza and Fraaands event this Friday at Monon for anyone who would like to fitness and then eat some pizza at the gym! Monday: Getting the day started off with explosive work to get the hips moving fast and to play around with some good old fashioned athleticism. We will use that to build into your workout from the day. If you watched the CrossFit Games, this workout might be a little familiar featuring a mix of gymnastics and heavy weightlifting. Tuesday: taking on a classic CrossFit triplet today in an AMRAP style with light weights and body weight movements to keep you moving for the entire workout. You will finish the day off with a little squat strength work. Wednesday: Focusing on mobility and shoulder opening to begin our Wednesday. From there, we will build into max out gymnastics pieces with lots of attempts at max sets of strict movements. Thursday: starting off with pulling strength work in our snatch grip before getting a good sweat in. Running and wall balls today on the fitness menu. Friday: spending some quality time today working positioning in the split jerk before giving you an opportunity to practice the skill. We will take on a quick triplet workout in a sprint fashion for your workout. Saturday: working with a partner today on a skill piece to get started today before moving on to a partner workout to finish off your week. Get ready for some cardio, weightlifting and gymnastics for your last workout of the week! Have a fun and fit week!]]>