CrossFit Weekly Programming Preview 9/3/18-9/9/18

Monday: Only one class at each space today for Labor Day! Check the schedule for full holiday class schedule. We are supporting the CrossFit Saved by the Barbell WOD today with a fight gone bad style interval workout. Tuesday: Letting today be a bit of a recovery class from the long weekend and working our endurance in a new way with nasal breathing. We will close out the day with a very fast bodyweight and gymnastics workout. Wednesday: Working on barbell cycling and Olympic lifting technique to start your hump day off. You will finish out the class with a version of date with a plate. Thursday: Getting in skill work to begin our Thursday with some dumbbell fun. You will finish out the day with a rowing piece with intensity as the focus. Friday: Back to our strength cycle today with lower reps and heavier weights, today with a squat and press combination. Closing out your week with a fast and furious couplet with a cardio and weightlifting movement. Saturday: Spending our Saturday with some fun jump roping to warm up before getting into a Tabata everything workout.]]>