4 thoughts on “2 AMRAPs?”

  1. First AMRAP
    5 rounds
    2 hspu’s about halfway down
    Considering I am finally attempting the handstand pushups again, I am happy. Last time I scaled them a lot. Hang power cleans weren’t too bad.
    Second AMRAP
    5 rounds + 4 dead lifts
    185lbs and I believe 165lbs
    We had to use two bars. It was rough. I am learning a new form for dead lifts, and about 4 minutes in I could really feel my butt and hamstrings. Definitely glad it’s a rest tomorrow.

  2. AMRAP #1
    7 Rounds + 8 Hang Power Cleans
    Had to scale the Handstand Pushups with ROM (range of motion). Wrist still hurts with full head to ground so went halfway down.
    Scaled the HPC to 115# as well for the same reason. Slowly bumping weight back up rather than hurting my wrist all over again. Solid WOD, just kept moving.
    AMRAP #2
    6 Rounds + 4 Deadlifts
    RX’ed weight @ 185.
    In the rain so the grip started to go and my range of motion was killer doing 185 with 35# plates and coming deeper into the deadlift motion. Definitely fired up the hamstrings and lower back.

  3. 2 AMRAP’s in one sitting make the tough tougher.
    AMRAP 1 @ 135lbs
    7rds and 8 hang power cleans
    felt good, shoulders were getting tired, would have liked to finish that last round.
    AMRAP 2 @ 185lbs
    finished 7 rds exactly. it’s surprising how much of a challenge jumping air squats can be.

  4. AMRAP #1 at 53lbs
    5 rounds and 2 hspu’s
    AMRAP #2 at 53lbs
    5 rounds
    I was able to bump up the weight for the workout today so that’s progress. The hang power cleans felt good. I feel like I’m finally getting the hang of that motion. Hspu’s are still difficult but I think if I can conquer the motion first and then worry about getting all the way down, I’ll be better off. Dead lifts are definitely not my favorite motion! My back does not like to cooperate with this one. The jumping air squats were a pleasure to do after the dead lifts.