14 thoughts on “As Many Rounds as Possible”

  1. I like the site very basic easy to navigate only thing is having to scroll thru the workouts to see the day before, but I can understand the reason as to free up room for other things on the site. Awesome shit gents now if you could just get on my level on the workouts. I’m going to try some of your programing over this next week I’ll shoot you my times or reps already hit it today, but that workout looks like a good one gotta love the AMRAPS(FML).

    1. Seth,
      so good to hear from you. I hope the Navy is treating you well. We are working with limited gear right now, but please do try some of our programming and let us know how it goes. We’d love to have a Navy man working with us.

  2. 10rds+1burpee
    My legs took the brunt of the burn on this one. The burpee goblet squat combo got tough in the 7th round and was the main battle. I still need to really retool my squat technique in order to incorporate more hamstring activation. I am thinking about starting my squat all over in order to get better with it.

  3. Great 6am crew on the Canal. We found a nice location to host bigger classes with decent parking. Feel free to reach out to us and join us soon.
    Greg the late burpee penalty gets doubled next time, but great work this morning.
    Martin and Christy keep up the dedication. I’ve seen large improvements from both of you already!

  4. I feel amazing after our early morning workout – more energy, great mood! Thanks for getting me out there!

  5. Seth – Glad to see you found us all the way out in Guam. Give a few of the WODs a try. I’ll talk to you soon
    6am Class- Didn’t realize it was still pitch black out at 6am as many of the pictures make it look like its midnight.
    Awesome work today, especially with a few of the new movements we introduced today (Handstand Pushups and Double Unders). I was very impressed with how quickly everyone grasped being upside down. Not an easy thing to do.
    Christy- I love the double unders work today. You’ll be going unbroken on double unders in no time.
    Martin- I love watching you work because you have the foundation from previous training and I can see it all coming back one step at a time. Super excited to see you in a month’s time and see your tremendous gains.
    Greg- Thanks for making us all get up at 5:30am to be at the canal by 6am. Oh, WAIT!!! You weren’t there til 6:08am… Peter went easy on you with only 8 burpees. Next time it may be worse! But in all seriousness, good work on the handstand pushups and holding yourself accountable throughout the workout.
    Look forward to more!

  6. Oh yeah.
    9 Rounds Even.
    Scaled back to inverted pushups do to wrist issues. Attempted a handstand pushup during warm ups and got it, but killed my wrist doing so. Taking an easy rather than killing myself as I need this to heal.
    Other than that, burpees are burpees, just got to keep moving, goblet squats need to work on technique as it fades in the later rounds. I need to find the “happy place” of correct depth as I still think I’m going to low and losing activation in my hamstrings.
    by the way… did I mention I don’t like AMRAPS!!!

  7. 5 Rounds + 5 Squats
    This one hurt! I actually really liked the 6am workout (sorry Martin) because it gets my day going and we’re up before it starts getting hot. I was able to do the handstand pushups but used a block that limited my range of motion that helped a lot. Hopefully, I can work up to not using it. The burpees were awful and really the part of the workout that took it out of me the most. I really need to work on my squat form. It’s difficult after years and years of doing it one way (using the majority of my quad strength) to change it up, but it’ll help in the long run. I was able to get four double unders in a row on the fourth round, but they are still proving to be something I need to do more work on as well.

  8. I did 4 rounds and 5 burpees. The burpees were actually my killer…those definitely wore me out the most. I was able to use 36lbs for my goblet, but I had to scale my pushups. I actually think I can do better on my double unders…whenever I mess up, it would take me some time to get going again.
    Sidenote, in talking with Christy, I am excited that I get through the workouts. I may not get the best times, but at least I am able to finish them. It’s great to see I can still mentally finish a workout.
    P.S. Greg, I hate getting up that early, I almost knocked you into the canal…just saying…ha

  9. I didn’t get to do this one, but it looks like a beast. I this new thing called yoga… it’s great if you need a stretch 🙂