FGB6, CrossFitters world wide have been rasing money for the: Special Operations Warrior Foundation, CrossFit Kids, and Camp Patriot. Even if you didn’t raise any money we will be doing this WOD in support of the effort. We will be doing the WOD at Noon, the location is TBD. Please email me if you would like to join in our fun and I will let you know where we will be when we decide. peter@crossfitnaptown.com Fight Gone Bad: 3 rds, 1 minute at each station then rotate immediately. Wall Balls (20/16) to 10ft target Sumo Dead High Pulls (75/45) Box Jump (20/16) Push Press (75/45) Max Cals on Rower Rest 1 minute Count total reps.]]>
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My first ever Fight Gone Bad!!! I’ve done a round of it before for exhibition purposes as a Demo but never strung 3 Rounds together.
Score: 355
Not stoked about my results, but I didn’t game this WOD nor have any goals or expectations, so I guess I can’t really complain.
Need to work on keep moving… too many breaks for sure during the workout which just destroys my score.
Good starting spot for many FGB’s to come!
Did a modified version of FGB with burpees in place of SDHP. And the ordered was not normal. We went: Burpees, Row, Box Jumps, Push Press, Wall Balls. My wall balls were non existent by the end and this crushed my shoulders. But it was a BLAST! As always we have to be prepared for the unknown. Great day. Also, great job to Jared and Christy doing FGB on the Canal, beautiful day!
Oh, my score was 370.
Score – 285
This was my first time doing Wall Balls and Sumo Dead High Pulls so that made it a little more challenging. I definitely need to work on my form for Wall Balls. I feel like my head gets in the way of the whole movement and I was taking a lot of breaks during this segment. The Box Jumps were where I made up the most time and remarkably they were the easiest part of the workout. I think next time I need to work on staying more consistent with my reps.