Supplies and Surprise for more information on that class. We will also have our regular class at 6pm in University Park (Vermont St. between Meridian and Pennsylvania). We will have lots of new toys to play with next week, get excited!]]>

5 thoughts on “Supplies and Surprise”

  1. well…did both classes today…learning how to kip as well
    First WOD 17:54
    400 meter run and 50 air squats for 4 rounds
    Second WOD 7:37
    100 Kettlebell swings but at every minute I have to do 4 burpees
    My cardio still needs work, but those air squats took a lot out of me. Definitely killed my legs. The kettlebell swings really started to take a toll on my legs/butt as well. There was one minute I rested, so unfortunately it killed my time. Both good work outs, and my body is slowly starting to feel it.

  2. jumped in the 6pm with Martin. The WOD was: 150 KB Swings (1.5pd/1pd), every minute on the minute you do 4 burpees
    Took me 9:40. A lot of distractions around us.

  3. So the Surprise WOD today was at the track and a fun one (aren’t they all???).
    Worked on Kipping Pullup Technique and impressed with both Martin and Christy on their progress in just 15 minutes.
    4 Rounds
    400M Run
    50 Air Squats
    TIME: 11:42 or 12:42 (distracted at the time and reset the watch without remembering)
    Watch this workout with a few of the Elite CrossFitters in the World.
    Chris Spealer (the only CrossFitter to compete at every single CrossFit Games).

    1. You’ll notice in the video how quick Chris Spealer is on this movement and how much of an advantage he has because of it. Technique is an awesome thing.

  4. Time – 16:27
    I was able to be consistent with my air squats and do all 50 each round continuously at a good pace for me. The second 400m was definitely the hardest because my legs were not prepared to run again after 50 air squats but I got through it and was able to make up some time on the last 100m of my each run. Overall, I really liked this workout with all the cardio intertwined.