Click here to take the Feb 2012 survey Today’s Workout Skill- Squat Snatch 1 on the minute each minute for 10 min WOD 6 min AMRAP (As Many Rounds/reps As Possible) 10 Dead lifts 185/135 10 pull ups ]]>
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Deadlifts as RX’ed. Subbed in pushups due to sore shoulder.
5 Rounds + 6 Deadlifts.
Great work everyone!
Conquered my fear today and did a 65# squat snatch! Thanks to Eileen, Kim and Marianne (?) for your encouragement! You ladies make me stronger.
4 rounds.
When in doubt, run around the bar.
4 r + 2 deadlifts 95#
To Members and General Public:
If anyone has a treadmill that is sitting in their basement, bedroom, or garage that is currently being used as a dust collector or closet and would be willing to donate to a better cause please contact Coach Jared at
Thank You!
FYI, the reason I go to CrossFit is because I hate treadmills. Are we going to start having treadmill WODs? What’s next the elliptical? Or dare I say, ZUMBA?
Keep it up and you’ll be swimming in the Canal soon!
Bring it on-are you forgetting I come from a long line of famous synchronized swimmers?
looks like a good wod today 🙂
4 rounds + 6 DL @ 165
4rds @ 145
first time doing pull ups without a band
6+9 rounds
5 rounds and 5 dead lifts
it was fun
Got up to 175, PR by 20 pounds. Got 7 + 2 pull-ups. Really likes today.