No Noon class on Thursday/Yoga will be back next Wednesday at 7pm!

WE will be CLOSED May11-13, (Friday-Sunday) We hope you can all come out and cheer on the team. If you cannot make it, they will be showing the entire competition on the CrossFit Games website and on ESPN 3. Please let us know if you have any questions. Fundamentals tomorrow will cover power clean, squat clean, and Jerk technique.

Today’s Workout

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 10 min AMRAP 3 inverted burpees 6 CTB Pull ups 20 D/U’s Post- 2 x max unbroken wall balls (20/14)]]>

10 thoughts on “No Noon class on Thursday/Yoga will be back next Wednesday at 7pm!”

  1. 3 rounds on the nose as RX’ed. But I managed to do 60 double unders within 10 minutes, which is quite the accomplishment for me!
    32 unbroken wall balls

  2. 3 rounds + 1 burpee
    Blue band and DU’s!
    Inverted burpees are my new favorite thing.

  3. 6 rounds + 2 burpees
    *graduated to the red band(!!!) & subbed 60 single unders.
    20 unbroken wall balls to the 9′ mark (i’m 5’3…10′ might as well be the ceiling).

  4. 245 lb. Deadlift
    5 rounds plus 2 pull-ups
    Sub chin ups for CTB
    60 Double Unders
    21 unbroken wall balls

  5. Deadlifts at 153#
    4 rounds + 1 pullup (red band, double unders)
    Missed out on the unbroken wall balls because I needed to get to work.
    I’m happy to post here for the first time in weeks. Sadly, I’ve gotten into a horrible habit of rushing out after class without taking the time to look at/remember my times/scores. I’m admitting this publically now to shame myself into being better about this.

  6. Dead lift @175# for all sets
    WOD_5 rounds + 3 chest to bar pullups*
    *red band
    Double unders were better. No crazy arm snaps today which is amazing for me.

  7. Dead lift 133#
    WOD 4 rounds + 4 single unders (scaled to get ups w/pushups, green band for pull ups, and 60 single unders each round) <– GOT TO GET DUs SOON!!

  8. 300 something deadlift, hamstrings still tight from heavy squats on Monday
    4 rounds +3 inv. burpees Rx
    28 wall balls

  9. got to 255# for the deadlift, this felt solid I wanted to try 260# but ran out of time
    6 rounds + 3 ctb pull ups – RXed
    24 wall balls