Sunday December 24th: 9:00am to 11:00am Open Gym at 922 Capitol 10:00am to 12:00pm Open Gym at Monon Monday December 25th: All Classes Cancelled Tuesday December 26th: 5:45am, 7:00am CrossFit Cancelled at 922 Capitol 5:30am CrossFit, 6:45am SW Cancelled at Monon 5:45am SW Cancelled at 916 Capitol All Later Classes Are a GO! Monday: beginning the week with some moderate volume and weight squats. We will move from that strength work into a retest of an oldie but goodie from the 2015 Open. Tuesday: retesting a mobility piece from last week to start the day out. See if you can improve on your score from last week and remember that consistency is key on improving mobility! Finishing the day out with an interval piece that will have you partnering up for judging/counting as a different kind of prep for the Open. Wednesday: back to the barbell to begin our Wednesday with snatch technique work. If you know you struggle with the snatch, make it a priority to get to the gym today to practice this movement! Closing the day out with a class couplet pairing the barbell with gymnastics. Thursday: starting our Thursday out with focused mobility to work on our upper back/thoracic spine. If you struggle going overhead, these drills/accessory pieces are for you. Your Thursday will finish out with another interval piece, this time with more of a cardio and sprint focus. Friday: finishing the week out with our holiday tradition, 12 days of fitness workout! Spend some time listening to the song for preparation. Saturday: Closing out our pre holiday classes with a team workout incorporating the rower, your jump rope, and some gymnastics! Have a fun and fit week!]]>
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