Monday: working on strength and power today to get the week started. We will finish the day out with interval work mixing speed and strength. Tuesday: starting out on muscle up work with varying degrees of difficulty for everyone to work where they are at. We will be working on another interval piece today, this time working with a heavier barbell. Wednesday: taking time to start the day off with an old benchmark friend! It will be the first piece of the day so we can hit it with maximum intensity. The rest of the day we will be switching gears to a strength piece for a second benchmark for the day. Record your scores in trainheroic! Thursday: working on glute and core activation in a rotating EMOM as our skill work starter. The rest of the day will be devoted to increasing out capacity with some cardio! Friday: once again starting the day off with a workout, this time mixing high skill gymnastics with a barbell. You will finish your week off with another skill piece working on strengthening the core and developing shoulder stability. Saturday: our Saturday will be a solo workout featuring a cardio piece, some weightlifting, and finish with gymnastics for a lengthy chipper that is sure to make you work! Have a fun and fit week!]]>
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