“EVA” Five rounds for time of: Run 800 meters 2 pood Kettlebell swing, 30 reps 30 Pull-ups Coach Jared will not be in class this weekend as he will be attending the CrossFit Endurance Certification this weekend at CrossFit Indy North.
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45:30 as RX’ed. 7 seconds behind Eric G. Eric, I’ll beat you one of these days!
47:09 scaled with 1 pood and green and red bands for pull- ups. Hard, long, but what a fun class this morning! Shannon great cheering and coaching!
Scaled to 15 pullups each round since I wanted to go no-band but didn’t think my hands could handle it. Also, KB @1pd.
Great job to the 9:30 class!! You were all fantastic company to have for this lovely lady “Eva”!
When I came back in from my 5th run, the workout had come to a halt.
4 rounds – 5th run completed in 53 minutes.
Good job 9:30 class !
WOD 48:29 5 rds
Scaled 1.5 pd , red/blue band.
That was freakin tough… I finished all 5 runs but I did not finish the 5th round of KB’s and PU’s…
My hands tore today for the first time… I always tease Vanoskey and tell him that I got those “blue collar” chef hands, not admin situation computer hands… Oh well I guess I was wrong!