Goal Setting Tomorrow 8pm and Thursday 7pm

the pursuit of Happiness.” The  pursuit of happiness. This ultimately is what most human beings strive for in their lifetime, so how do we achieve the pursuit of happiness?   The pursuit of happiness begins by setting goals. Goals are the road map to fulfilling your absolute best life. By setting goals, you know what you want to achieve, you know where you have to concentrate your efforts. You’ll also quickly spot the distractions that can, so easily, lead you astray. Goals are dreams with deadlines. They are what separate the successful from the unsuccessful, the motivated from the unmotivated and the happy from the unhappy. Goals provide structure to sometimes a lazy or unkempt path. They may not always lead us to where we think we want to go but they will undoubtedly lead us in the right direction. Shannon will be hosting a goal setting meeting for free to all members on: Wednesday at 8pm (immediately following yoga) Thursday at 7pm (right after Fundamentals) You only need to attend one of the meetings: they should last about 30 minutes. This will help you get guidance in your workouts and should help you set goals in your life as well.   Thanks again to everyone who contributed to HOPE this past weekend! We saw so many incredible efforts and raised over $2000 for a great cause. We are so proud to have you all as members.    

Today’s Workout

Skills: 3 rds 50 Double Unders or 1 minute of Double Under Technique 10 push/split jerks (45/33) 5 HSPU WOD: (21 min cap) 2 rounds 25 SDHP with KB 2/1.5 (sub barbell for advanced) 25 Knees to Elbow 25 Air Squats 25 Shoulder to OH (115/75) or 66% 1 rep max Strict Press. 200 m run Post-25 ring rows Video by: Jared “Moises” Cantrell]]>

16 thoughts on “Goal Setting Tomorrow 8pm and Thursday 7pm”

  1. 17:12
    36# was my 66%—that was a fun weight to figure out.
    Knees to elbows slowed me down for no other reason than I am a wuss and my hands hurt.
    Dear 25#+HSPU—I almost got you today!

  2. 17:39 with 105# Shoulder to OH.
    By Round 2 I figured out string together sets of 10 kipping knees to elbow!

  3. 13:36 Scaled….but I’m happy!
    Quote of the day “You want to make sure you get your head out of the way…” Jared
    And yes, I have a bruise under my chin….

  4. 20:03 with 20# dumbbells for shoulder to overhead.
    Knees to elbows need serious work — maybe something for goal setting?
    Got 5 unbroken DUs and 3 good kick ups in a row! Getting closer to those current goals!

  5. 16:53 @ 65lbs (66% of 1RM)
    Felt ill the past two days, so not upset with my performance.
    …also found out I’m not too bad at knees to elbows. Can’t wait to do those again!