NO Class Sunday, Open Gym Monday 9a-11a

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Due to holiday happenings there will be No class on Sunday.

Open Gym only on Monday from 9a-11a.

Thank you to everyone who joined in for the largest Yoga class yet! We hope you loved it. Remember No Yoga this Saturday


Today’s workout:

Agility ladder in gym then outside to do: 10 x 100m sprint. One every 9o seconds.(take a few white boards out to record splits) The goal of this workout is speed and consistency. We do not want one at 16seconds, then another at 30seconds.  ]]>

14 thoughts on “NO Class Sunday, Open Gym Monday 9a-11a”

  1. HEY! This is similar to my WOD yesterday, so I am pretending I was at Naptown.
    We did-
    800m run
    2 minute rest
    400m run
    2 minute rest
    8 100m runs with :30s in between
    It was tough, my poor baby toe is still healing from a very unfortunate wedding dance floor accident!
    3:15 800m
    1:45 400m

  2. I LOVE Running! LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
    (If I say it enough I’ll eventually believe it, right?)
    Josh F- don’t forget your Post-Post workout: 17-in-a-row double unders!

  3. 14/15
    did 2 or 3 sets of dead hang pull ups with the 25 or 30 # vest, then went to body weight only for the last 2 or 3 sets.

  4. 14/21 ouch… Really fell off at the end… Last run my wife SMOKED me:)
    Did my dead hangs in all sorts of ways.. Used a 20lb wall ball, the 25 lb vest and then a 10lb plate on the belt!