LOTS OF INFORMATION – 12.3 – Schedule – Heats – CLICK

Remember tonight’s classes are scheduled differently. 6am, 9am, Noon, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm

NOTE*: The 6pm Class tonight will be split into two groups. 1) Fundamentals Class – Coach Peter will be working on two distinct functional movements. There will not be a WOD but instead will be focused solely on technique and form.  We highly recommend those newer to CFNT to please join and for those veterans to come and refine their technique.

TODAY’s Movements: 1. Back Squat & 2. Overhead Squat

2) Beginner’s/Introduction Class (FREE CLASS for beginners)- For anyone who wants to try CrossFit and be introduced to the methodologies of CrossFit. This class is designed for those who are beginning or interested in learning more about CrossFit and CrossFit NapTown. This will be a less intimidating structure of a class that will include the following:

  • Fill out Waivers.
  • What is CrossFit?
  • Teaching skills essential to CrossFit such as the Air Squat, Push Up, Sit Up, Pull Up (Ring Rows), Rowing.
  • Refining technique to prevent injury.
  • Teaching the structures of CrossFit WODs.
  • WOD (workout of the day)
If you have questions please email Coach Jared… jared@crossfitnaptown.com.  For those interested in CrossFit NapTown we will now be directing you to the 6pm class on Thursday evenings.  If you can not make this time for your first Introduction Class please email info@crossfitnaptown.com or jared@crossfitnaptown.com.   [caption id="attachment_2441" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Let's Pack CFNT Again for 12.3!!!"][/caption]

SATURDAY’s COMPETITIVE OPEN HEATS: 12:00pm- 12:25pm- 12:50pm- 1:15pm – 1:40pm- 2:05pm-

*Starting times may vary. This is just my logical guess at this time.* We will be limiting each heat to 8 athletes. Four females and four males per heat as we only have 4 box jumps of each size. If you would like to request a specific time for 12.3 please email me (I will try to be as accommodating as possible). Also, if you don’t care what time and are going to be competing please send me an email. How’s this… just send an email me and let me know you are in or out for Saturday. Per usual, if you cannot make the Saturday competitive heats be sure to email Coach Peter or myself to set up a specific time to make up WOD 12.3. Coach Jared – jared@crossfitnaptown.com Coach Peter – peter@crossfitnaptown.com NOTE: I am not a mind reader and unfortunately don’t have a Date Planner for every member. So please, please let me know if you plan on competing this Saturday so the heats can be set prior by Friday.      

Workout 12 . 3

MENincludes Masters Men up to 54 years old Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of: 15 Box jumps, 24″ box 115 pound Push press, 12 reps 9 Toes-to-bar   WOMENincludes Masters Women up to 54 years old Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of: 15 Box jumps, 20″ box 75 pound Push press, 12 reps 9 Toes-to-bar   MASTERS MENincludes Masters Men 55+ Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of: 15 Box jumps or step-ups, 20″ box 95 pound Push press, 12 reps 9 Toes-to-bar   MASTERS WOMENincludes Masters Women 55+ Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of: 15 Box jumps or step-ups, 20″ box 55 pound Push press, 12 reps 9 Toes-to-bar  

Additional Notes

Please be sure to watch the entire workout instruction video for full details. The workout will begin with box jumps. The athlete will jump with two feet and come to a standing position with knees and hips locked out on top of the box. After 15 reps they will move to their loaded barbell. The barbell will begin on the ground. For the Push press to count the barbell will move from the shoulders to the overhead position, with the knees, hips and shoulders extended in one line. After 12 reps they will move to a pull-up bar. For the Toes-to-bar to count, the feet must begin behind the bar at the bottom and both feet must touch the bar at the same time at the top. After 9 reps are completed, the athlete will begin their next round. Every rep counts in this workout. Credit will be given for partially completed rounds.


To complete this workout you will need:
  • A box that is the appropriate height for your division
  • A barbell that is loaded to the appropriate weight for your division
  • A pull-up bar
Annie T’s Score = 13 Rounds + 8 Push Presses = 491 Reps = Amazing!]]>

4 thoughts on “LOTS OF INFORMATION – 12.3 – Schedule – Heats – CLICK”

  1. Though I am no longer with you guys in the physical sense, I still consider myself a part of CrossFit Naptown. Good luck to everyone that is participating in the 2012 CrossFit Games! I will still be doing the WOD’s at the Y and at the Legacy Center. I hope to be able to rejoin you guys soon when money isn’t an issue.
    God Bless!
    P.S: I just had my own 5:30am workout for “Helen” @ The Chase Legacy Center, 3/8/12 🙂

    1. Great Job Bryan! We hope you can be back
      soon, but that’s great you are still doing
      the workouts. Keep us posted on how you
      are doing. Have a good one!
      Good Luck to Everyone who will be
      competing in the Open!

  2. Fundamentals Class last night was great. It felt good to slow the steps down and really learn what your body should look like doing proper technique.

  3. I agree with Chad! It was really fun to finish “Karen” and then work on squat technique. Today, for extra credit, my students are pushing me around in my chair. Really, though, thanks to Peter for taking the time to work with us individually!