Schedule Changes Friday-Sunday & (running today)

We will NOT have class at 9am or Noon on Friday February 2nd.

We will add a 3:30pm class this FRIDAY ONLY!

Please keep an eye on our Schedule this weekend. We will be re-arranging some times for Super Bowl activities.


The wether will be Above 50 which means:

Bring a long sleeve and running shoes Today!!!

Skill-2- 3 rounds (time pending) A1 10 plyo push ups A2 10 partner leg throw downs A3 2-bear crawl down and back WOD- 5 rounds 9 goblet squats 1.5/1 7 toes-to-bar 5 hand stand push ups 200 m run Post-TBD]]>

6 thoughts on “Schedule Changes Friday-Sunday & (running today)”

  1. Great outdoor warmup today! Dave and I rocked the 6AM class JTTOU (just the two of us)!
    14:40 for the WOD.
    Need to come in on an off day and master my toes to bar! I think I am ready for them.

  2. wod: 10:04,
    but the HSPUs were modified w/ 45# plate and abmat.
    i think next time i’d do it with smaller bumper plate, or just the abmat

  3. I loved getting out and hitting the stairs! I just want to say that it feels great to be a part of something and be challenged.
    Today’s WOD- 13:58

  4. I don’t remember my time…I tend to blank out post-WOD…great workout though! Hopefully I can work my way up and away from the box on the HSPU.