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Back squats: Worked up to 250#
Wod: 15:37 as RX’ed
Front squats: 3 sets of 5 reps @ 225, 235, 245
WOD: Rx’d @ 10:57
The WOD is tiring but light weight, try not to set the bar down even though you want to, I felt I could’ve gone faster, had some left in the tank at the end.
First back squats with weight since my groin injury 2 months ago. Was happy with 175lbs. Now it is just building strength to catch-up to Josh.
well, i rocked out at the martinsville YMCA today. i was alone, so of course (right?!! haha) my times were slower; i was thankful that they had a rower! it was hidden amongst the treadmills and bikes, but there is awaited: an old school concept 2 with wooden handles.
i got up to 115 on the back squat, wanted to take it lighter since i was alone
21:25 on the WOD with 45 lbs
hands were sliding big time on the wooden floor, but managed 2 minutes.
That’s awesome your still doing the WOD’s at the Y… Jason V is doing them at the Y dtown and he said it’s such a struggle being alone… But hey, Jared started in the jungle!! Great job and very inspiring!
First workout as a new member! Did a adjusted 30/20/10 reps on the WOD. Didn’t make the 10 rep set until the 20 minute cap was up. I’ll keep at it! I am glad people were there to push me on. I was ready to give up after the first 30 thrusters! Back Squats= 95 lbs.
16:20 Rx’ed
160# BS
320 x 3 Back Squat
16:20 RX
This was one of the hardest WODs in recent memory. Phew.
Backsquat up to 118#.
21:30 for the WOD as Rxed. Even though I didn’t beat the 20 minute cap, Coach Peter was gracious and gave it to me anyways. Thanks Coach:) Those thrusters were killer for me after two days off and some bad eating habits while I was sick….aka lots of fruit and nuts. Thanks for the great WOD to kick off my week!
Back Squat: 275
WOD: 16:20 Rx’d
205 BS
19:30ish WOD Rx’d
Back Squat — 5×3 @ 185
Worked on form. The 2 biggest things I need to work on for this lift (and most others as well) is keeping back on my heels instead of coming up on my toes and keeping my knees shoved out instead of letting them come inward. Once I have those two things down, I will be able to start adding more weight to the bar.
WOD — If i looked at the clock correctly and did my math right, i completed the workout in 21:20 scaled to 65lbs. That WOD kicked my butt, and I’m completely wiped!
Great post everyone! What an amazing day. How great did it feel to have the door open! You all inspire me.
WoD done alone last night, time was around 11:52. What a nice cardio WoD. I need to break through the first mental fatigue barrier. As Shannon always says “keep moving peter”
Had a great time dropping in for a wod today. Great box with good coaches and energy! Never would have known you have only been open since October!
Hope to see you all again in the coming weeks!
BS 275
11:56 RX!
Thanks for the push guys! i could hear you yelling at me! Much appreciated!
BS – 185, 215, 225, 235, 245
WOD – 13:39
My first blog post! (please contain your excitement!)
WOD: 17:07 (not rx’d)
Appreciate you letting me scale to just jump over the bar….not 100% over the mental part after busting on box jumps a few weeks ago.
Glad to be back! Thanks for a great workout!