Monday: benchmark Monday will take us back to an open workout retest this week! Bring your jump rope and get ready to play with lots of gymnastics skills in this week’s test. Tuesday: getting our Tuesday started with some strength work with box squats for a nice variation. We will finish the day with a fun couplet utilizing the ski erg and a very heavy barbell. Wednesday: getting into weightlifting technique today with some snatch accessory work! We will finish the day with some hard intervals to push your engine. Thursday: alternating emom strength work to begin your day with a little bro lifting and some pulling. We will close out the day with a quick couplet with the KB and boxes. Friday: final week of the fall full body challenge! We will be retesting the workout from week 1, come with your score from the first go in mind so you have an idea of what you are trying to beat! Saturday: bring a pumpkin to class today to share with a partner. We will be celebrating Halloween next week with a spooky partner workout utilizing your pumpkin so choose your pumpkin size wisely! Pack some layers so you are ready to be inside and outside in today’s workout. Have a fun and fit week!]]>
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