IChallenge Indy Downtown Tri this weekend

Who’s in for the “I Challenge” Indy tri this Sunday? Coach Jared is doing it! http://www.ichallengetri.com/EventInfo.php  <—-link to more info The iChallenge Indy triathlon & duathlon will provide multisport athletes a big-time event with a unique venue and amenities previously only found in the larger events outside of the region. iChallenge Indy will offer participants a challenging and memorable course along with unmatched professionalism in event management and customer service. The iChallenge Indy will consist of a Classic Distance Triathlon (1/2 mile swim, 17 mile bike and 4 mile run) and a Classic Distance Duathlon (1 mile run, 17 mile bike and 4 mile run) There is also relay divisions for the triathlon (2 or 3 person). All in beautiful downtown Indianapolis!

Today’s Workout

Strength: Back Squat 3-3-3+ 65-75-85% WOD 2 min amrap 10push ups/10 sit ups 1min rest 2min AMRAP 10 wall balls/ 5 wall walks 1 min rest 2min amrap 10 double unders/10 BJ 20/16 1min rest 2min AMRAP Power Cleans 185/135]]>

18 thoughts on “IChallenge Indy Downtown Tri this weekend”

  1. BS 95 110 123 (4reps)
    WOD 99 reps + 10 PC @ 85#
    Bye bye knee pushups! Hello slow pushups! But I will take it.
    I think we had 451 people at 6AM today…more tomorrow!

  2. BS: 205, 235, 265×4
    WOD: RX’d @ 141 reps + 9 PC. Finally a WOD that I enjoyed (thanks to the PU and DU)!

  3. Princeton Crossfit Nassau welcomed me with one hell of a workout!
    Warm up: 50 burpees, 50 Partner Assist Pullups
    Skill: Power-Clean with bar
    WOD: 21-15-9 Power-Clean (53 lbs), Ring Dips (Time: well… let’s just say last one finished in true Jennie style!)
    Then 2k row which I couldn’t finish due to a foot cramp. Yes, yet another gym got introduced to me by me jumping around hitting things in pain. Great first impression! 🙂

  4. Skillz (with a z)_165 (3) 195 (3) 225 (1*)
    …lower back still sore…grrr.
    16 lb Wall Ball,

  5. Skillz (with a z)_165-195-225 (1*)
    …*lower back still sore, grrrr….
    …16 lb wall ball, 20″ BoxJ, 115 Power Clean
    6 a.m.–7 p.m. is comin’ after you with our blogging fury. Out to de-throne you as kings/queens of the blog! 😉 🙂

  6. Deadlift: 155-185-205 (x7 reps) – New PR
    (Guess that means my 1 Rep PR of 205 is outdated now.)
    98 reps (subbed 16# ball and 30 Single Jumps)
    Power Clean: 12 (95#)