starting our week off with strength and endurance work on the overhead squat. Our workout today will be a quick couplet of some explosive push up work paired with core work.
starting today with more strength work, this time focusing on pressing variations. Your workout will be a longer cardio piece with work to do every 2:00 with the jump rope.
after two quicker workout to start our week off, your Wednesday workout will be a longer hero workout full of running, weightlifting, and some gymnastics.
working on skill work to start your Thursday off with a pair of gymnastics drills to play around with. Our workout will be an interval piece with core, lateral movement, and farmer carries.
closing the work week out back on the barbell with Olympic lifting position work. We will finish the day off with a quick couplet pairing a dumbbell and rower.
getting your weekend fitness on with a bit of squat work focusing on SPEED before a longer workout pairing the bike with a variety of box jump and burpee variations.