A LOT of NOTES please read everything!

Today’s WOD OHS 4×3 increase weight from last week. 4 rds 20 wall balls unbroken (20/14) if you drop the ball you start that round back over so plan accordingly. 25 KB swings (1.5/1) Post- Floor wipers 3 x 10 -Sorry to announce another closing, but we will be closed on January 14th and 15th. A few of our athletes and three of our Coach’s are participating in the Great Lakes Invitation at Indy North CrossFit in Nobelsville. We will be offering a $5 discount to any of our members this month for coming to support our gym at the competition, all you have to do is show up wearing your CFNT gear!. -Looking for another Challenge is 2012? We are doing a burpee challenge as well. Do a burpee for each day of the year. So January 2nd we do 2 burpees January 3rd, do 3 and so on. Let’s see who can make it the longest. This is an honor system competition and any burpees done at the gym DO count towards that day total. Try to take pictures of yourself doing burpees in random places. Be creative and have fun!]]>

16 thoughts on “A LOT of NOTES please read everything!”

  1. I like the burpee idea might partake in that one and I’m thinking about the paleo challenge how long is it going to be for?

  2. For the paleo meeting I would prefer earlier rather than later in the evening- so 6pm or earlier.

  3. OHS: Got up to 115# with a little breathing room. Will push a little more next time!
    WOD: 13:07 as RX’ed. A little disappointed with my time, but I’ll blame it on the cookies.
    I’m okay with either Paleo meeting time on Sunday!

  4. @Moises – Picture Test Accomplished
    Did today’s full workout with Peter.
    4×3 OHS @ 170# (PR by 20#s)
    WOD Time: 7:53 rx’ed
    This is definitely a gripper. Forearms were shot but wall balls felt great. Really enjoyed using the new Reebok CF shoes for the wall balls and staying in the heels.
    Post: Floor wipers 3×10 @ 135#s

  5. Did you do your 2 burpees today?
    OHS@ 215 big time 3 rep max PR
    WOD: 8:37 got slow on the 3rd round and took way too long of breaks. Did rounds 1,2, and 4 completely unbroken with the KB swings too.
    Post floor wipers @ 135lbs

  6. I got up to 63#s on my OHS today. That’s up 10#s from last week, which is great! I didn’t want to push it too much since my shoulder is bothering me and my form got a little sloppy on one of the sets. I did an extra at this weight to end on a good note:)
    WOD time 13:12 Rxed. That 1 pood KB got heavy with the higher # of reps. I found I need some work on my wrist strength after those KB swings.
    Oh, and my vote is still for a 6PM Paleo meeting time.