"Diane" and L1 cert info

Are you still blogging on the Paleo site? Make sure you get your 4 post a week! Keep up the hard work.   Great article on the orginial Bench Mark Lady WOD’s: http://library.crossfit.com/free/pdf/13_03_Benchmark_Workouts.pdf   Skill- Snatch Grip Deadlift 3×3 WOD- “Diane” 21-15-9 Dead Lifts (225/185) HSPU (Hand Stand Push Ups) Post- Reverse ab crunch 3×15 put feet in rings; hold plank and bring knees to chest   Are you interested in learning more about CrossFit or becoming a Level 1 certified trainer? You are in luck. CrossFit is holding a Level 1 Cert right in our back yard. The Cert does cost a decent penny ($1000), but it is very educational and  a requirement if you ever have hopes of becoming a trainer yourself. For more information click on this link: http://www.regonline.com/builder/site/Default.aspx?EventID=1043117 Act fast, most Certs sell out.]]>

13 thoughts on “"Diane" and L1 cert info”

  1. are you guys trying to scare away any vegetarians in the group? don’t get me wrong, i really like meat and can spend hours at Fogo de Chao, but that photo above is not something i need to see first thing in the morning.

    1. Haha, it really does not look appealing at all does it. I didn’t think about it before I posted. The thought of Fogo is still great!

  2. Great workout with my 6AM crew! Diane didn’t stand a chance. Hmm..what was my time?
    And thanks Peter, I may have only done 1 DL with was that 123#? But that was my first over 100# anything.
    DL 93#/ 2 25# for HSPU.
    And yes, that picture is gross.

  3. Normally I would think that picture of meat first thing in the morning is too much… however, I had a beef stew with acorn squash in the slow cooker overnight and woke up to a garlic beef smell wafting in the kitchen. And today’s lunch plan is a trip to Fogo de Chao with my office mates, so somehow the meat picture is rather appropriate for today. 🙂
    Happy Friday to All!

  4. today’s wod sounds fun?!! i havent deadlifted in awhile, so i may try to get in to do this. i was watching some CF demo videos on deadlifting, so i want to try it out. did i just say that?! hahah. i cant imagine doing all those HSPUs, but i guess we will see! that is not the kind of attitude i should have 🙂

  5. Hated to miss today…..I’m gone for the weekend, but I’m back at it on Monday…..enjoy Diane, I will have to meet her next time:)

    1. we missed you Jeanne, also, we have a new workout buddy for you, her name is Mary, she is excited to join you at 9am.

  6. Intro Skill_Snatch Grip DL up to 133#
    WOD_7:40 with 123#DL + 45#plate and Abmat on HSPU
    I think I had more power tonight because of my high protein lunch 🙂