NapTown @ Home 4/25/20

10:00 AMRAP:


  • 6 Jumping Air Squats
  • 6 Handstand Push Ups
  • 18 Flutter Kicks


  • 3 DB Squat Cleans L/R
  • 6 Handstand Push Ups
  • 18 Flutter Kicks

Your work today will start with a bit of skill and mobility work before diving into the ten minute AMRAP above. For the AMRAP, you will complete as many rounds as possible in ten minutes of a squat variation, an upside down push up variation, and a core movement in the flutter kicks.

You can scale the jumping air squats to a simple air squat with no jump or you can limit your depth on the squats as needed to keep you in a safe range of motion.

The handstand push ups can be scaled back to a piked push up from your toes or knees. You can also modify to a narrow hand position and perform regular push ups instead of inverting.

The flutter kicks can be scaled back by bending your knees as you flutter the feet or performing a hollow hold with no movement.
This workout can be made more difficult performing heavier weighted cleans or by performing a strict handstand push up .

Join Coach Jared at 11AM Saturday morning to honor IMBD Officer Breann Leath with a Hero workout. Check your email or FB Members Only Group for access to this class.

Fitness Schedule

Yoga Schedule

Helpful links:

You can view the most up to date schedule and sign into class through Pike13! Pike13 will send you a link to the class once you pre-register!

All 4PM Public Fitness classes can be accessed here!

All 2:30PM Public Kids classes can be accessed here!