NapTown @ Home 5/2/20

20:00 AMRAP:


  • 100 Burpees
  • THEN
  • 2-4-6-8-10..etc
  • Jumping Air Squats
  • Sit Ups


  • 100 Burpees
  • THEN
  • 2-4-6-8-10..etc
  • Thrusters
  • Sit Ups

Today’s workout is a 20:00 AMRAP that begins with a 100 burpee buy in before diving into an ascending ladder of a squat variation and sit ups. You will perform 2 reps of each movement, then 4 reps of each movement, then 6 reps, etc until the 20:00 clock expires.

The burpees can be scaled back by reducing the total number of reps, by removing the push up portion, or by elevating the hands if the ground is too difficult to reach.

The jumping air squats can be scaled back to an air squat without a jump if the jumping impact is painful. You can also limit your depth by squatting to a chair or couch to keep you in a safe range of motion.

The sit ups can be scaled back by anchoring your feet under a chair or couch to give you something to push against as you sit up.
This workout can be made more difficult by using a heavier weight for the thrusters and by adding weight to the sit ups as well.

If you have access to two dumbbells or kettlebells of the same weight or a barbell, you could use that for your thrusters instead of a single bell for an additional challenge.

Fitness Schedule

Yoga Schedule

Helpful links:

You can view the most up to date schedule and sign into class through Pike13! Pike13 will send you a link to the class once you pre-register!

All 4PM Public Fitness classes can be accessed here!

All 2:30PM Public Kids classes can be accessed here!