S&F Programming Preview : 8/30-9/4

getting the week started with some single leg accessory work paired with a challenging pressing movement. Our workout will be working through 10 rounds of a fast triplet followed by a brief rest before repeating!

starting the day out with some carries and core work for a bit of accessory to get things going. Our workout will be a pair of EMOMs, each paring the jump rope with some pulling. The goal is to get heavier with the weight between the first and second EMOM to up the difficulty as we go.

testing our three rep push press to get things started today. Our workout will be a nice triplet for time with running and some overhead and gymnastics pressing work.

working into a longer ladder type workout today with a descending ladder on some cardio paired with an ascending ladder on a squat variation for your Thursday fitness test.

finishing our work week out with a fast and furious AMRAP pairing a light to moderate barbell with the bike for a spicy combo. We will begin the day with a bit of barbell prep work, building heavier as we go before backing off for the workout. We will then close out the day with some accessory work before heading out for the weekend.

closing the week out with a nice partner AMRAP – you’ll have a good mix of core work, barbells, jumping, and KB swings.