S&F Weekly Programming Preview : 2/1-2/6

getting the week started with Olympic lifting work that can be a strength piece or a technique piece depending on how you are feeling and where you are at with this skill. Our second portion of the day will be a shorter AMRAP working with a light barbell and a jump rope. If you have frequented the open in years past, then this workout may look familiar!

after a short and spicy AMRAP on Monday, we are stretching things out today with a long AMRAP full of cardio and some high level gymnastics movements.

back to the barbell today, this time beginning with a bit of pressing strength work. The workout portion of the day will feature some DB work and a few fast paced and simple bodyweight movements.

more barbell work to begin today, this time working on our clean & jerk with a higher volume complex. Your workout will be full of love/hate movements in a high rep chipper style workout – you will see cardio, barbell work, and gymnastics in this one. Success today will be all about finding the right combination of scales and rep modifications for you.

closing the work week out with a longer partner workout featuring the barbell and more bodyweight work after a warm up full of core and posterior chain accessory work. We will close the day out with a nice cool down before heading out for the day.

after a few longer workouts throughout the week, today will be about moving fast and then enjoying a long rest between each round to keep your intensity up. We will close the day out with unilateral accessory work to cap off the week!