Yoga Pose & Focus : 7/12-7/17

“The moon was so beautiful that the ocean held up a mirror.” -Ani DiFranco

This week is the last of Cancer season. Cancer is one of the signs of the zodiac that embodies the feminine, lunar energy that everyone possesses. This energy invites us to look at cycles, intuition, emotions, creativity. To honor the lunar energy, we are studying Chandra- or the moon aspect. Enjoy moving in cyclical, intuitive ways on your mat this week.

In conjunction with our theme, we will be playing with revolved half moon in our flow classes to embody the cyclical and lunar aspects of our theme. As for our yin and restorative classes, enjoy stretching out your quads and hip flexors with couch stretch (this stretch may be all too familiar- and necessary- to our bootcamp and S&F members!)