Upcoming Event – Goal Setting – Jan. 30th

**sign up HERE**

Want to run a marathon? Cultivate a better relationship with your partner? Cut down on your screen time? Whether it’s health, career, relationships, finances or food, this two-hour facilitated session will (1) help you define what you want to accomplish, in any area of your life, in 2022, (2) support you in making a plan to achieve it, and (3) prepare you to handle setbacks when motivation inevitably starts to wear off – all in the supportive Myriad community. The event will be facilitated by Carol Fabrizio, a Certified Professional Coach (IPEC); Anna Rode, Crossfit L3 Certified Trainer; and Marta Gruber, 200-HR RYT, and will take place upstairs at Myriad Yoga.

Still want to know more?? Check out this video from our facilitators to hear more about what the event will be like.

**sign up HERE**