Upcoming Event : Just One Thing: Healthy Habit Workshop

**Sign up here**

This course is a fine-tuning of your daily, rituals, routines and habits. Rather than focusing on elimination and what we are doing “wrong,” we will work on finding areas that we wish to add more – in alignment with our individual needs and anatomies. We bring to the table a holistic approach – observing not only food habits, but sleep, movement and general self-care.

This course comes from a place of understanding that we are not all the same and there is no prescribed lifestyle that works for every body. Throughout this seven week course, we will help provide knowledge of common daily habits through an Ayurvedic lens and a trusting of your own inner intelligence. You will be using meditation, journaling and other awareness practices to bring to the forefront habits you would like to add into your daily life.


Our goal is to aid you in finding your own natural balance while building community and the confidence to change Just One Thing.

Dates – April 10th 4:00-6:00pm

Price – $35

Capacity – 14

**Sign up here**