Monday: we will be starting our week off honoring those who gave their lives on September 11th, 2001 with a memorial workout. Come ready to run, row, and perform a lot of bodyweight and weightlifting movements in between. Tuesday: starting our Tuesday out with gymnastics work, building a solid handstand position and some endurance upside down. We will finish the day out with a bodyweight AMRAP, working on strict movements. Wednesday: working on our barbell cycling today in the theme of prison rules but this time working up in weight in a high rep touch n go clean and jerk. We will be retesting this workout from September of 2016. The finisher for the day will be a bodyweight sprint to give you a sweat before you head out. Thursday: improving our overhead squat position with a challenging squat drill to begin your Thursday. If you struggle with this movement, I highly recommend you come in today rather than avoiding something you don’t like or feel confident in. Get in and get some practice! Finishing the day out by putting our practice into action with a variation on the benchmark workout Nancy. Friday: Workout 1 of the Fall Full Body Challenge. Today is the day to set your baseline on this workout and see how you can improve over the course of 4 weeks with a retest of the same workout. This will be the workout of the day at all SWIFT and CrossFit classes on Friday. Saturday: finishing the week out with glute activation and drills to begin the day before taking on a lengthy solo workout. You will be playing with some strongman movements and deadlifts for to make up today’s workout. Have a fun and fit week!]]>
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