Chip Chip Chip Chip – Away


Jump Rope Warm Up


100 Calorie Row 90 Backward Jump Ropes 80 Sit Ups 70 Air Squats 60 Double Unders 50 Jumping Lunges 40 Hollow Rocks 30 Toes to Bar 20 Ring Rows 10 Hand Stand Push Ups


CrossFit NapTown Next Year???


12 thoughts on “Chip Chip Chip Chip – Away”

  1. Not in Indy for the Chipper, so we did our own WOD at the lake. Thrusters with boulders
    Love my Denver coaches:)

  2. 38:27…proud I was able to finish! Big improvements from when I walked in the door in June 🙂

  3. Jason from Florida

    Did Wednesdays first and got through round of 10 then made it to 4 front squats. Then did todays chipper. 29:15. Fun morning in Tallahassee

  4. 27;14, T2B slowed me way down, guess these chippers help one to figure out what to focus improvement efforts.
    Used anmat for HSPU
    Jump roping is starting to be fun! Thought I would never say that

  5. 24:51
    fun WOD! subbed 180 single unders for 60 double unders because they just were not happening fast enough for me. it felt good to keep up with the boys today!

  6. 35:42 — DUs slowed me down (as did hollow rocks and jumping lunges). Guess I found some more things to add to my suck list.

  7. 34:30 I think. Lots of mods: knee pushups, 180 single jumps instead of DU’s, knees-up instead of toe-to-bar. Said the eff-word a lot today – sorry 9:30 class! I’ll work on that.

  8. somewhere around 27-28 mins.
    i used the abmat for HSPU. a workout like this really points out what your suck list is or should be. my situps were really bad (still sore from GHD’s on Tuesday?), which carried over weak abs into the hollow rocks and t2b. ring rows were a lot tougher than i thought they would be.
    despite all that, it was a fun one.