Getting Back on Track!

[/caption] Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3 WOD 3 Rounds (2 Minutes Rest between Each Round) 5 Wall Climbs 10 Box Jumps (30/24) 15 Pull Ups *Rest 2 Minutes*   POST: Parellettes Introduction]]>

8 thoughts on “Getting Back on Track!”

  1. WOD: worked up to 225 for the power clean 3x, I am pretty excited about this as I could only get one red at 225 a few weeks ago.
    WOD rounds were 1:02, 1:07, 1:10. Tried to stay strict on my box jump standards and it slowed me down in the last round.
    Great start to the week, we can’t wait to see you in later today!.

  2. Oh my goodness those wall climbs took all my arm strength! Always good to try new things though.
    Downgrade from the Green band to the Blue band on pull ups. Much harder, but at least I am getting stronger from all my workouts!

  3. Power cleans were ugly – I still need to work on my form
    WOD: 2:18, 2:52/2:38, 2:17, Rx’d (30″, no band on pull ups)
    On the second round, I messed up my start time and I started too late by approx 14 seconds, so I gave myself a penalty wall climb during that round.

  4. Rd 1 2:12
    Rd 2 3:43
    Rd 3 3:33
    Total 13:27
    I have no idea what happened. I just struggled today. I know I don’t like wall climbs but I felt very weak and out of it today. Not happy at all