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With Doug: 16 rounds plus 8 partner 1 reps
Sorry I slowed you down man. I’ll try to be back in shape by the end of the month. Hopefully, I’ll be somewhat close to your level.
You didn’t slow me down, pal. We shared the rest periods, so I was the freshest each time I started and didn’t give you much rest in between each set.
With Jen and Nikita: 14 rounds + 5 for partner(s) 1. Thanks for the motivation ladies!
Margie – sorry I did not make it this morning. I am STILL sore from my first workout Saturday right in my triceps. I hope to make it tonight or see you guys one morning this week!
Margie – sorry I didn’t make it this morning. I am STILL sore from my first workout Saturday. I hope to make it tonight or see you at a morning class this week!
I thought you were joking about doing a Turkish get up with a person, but no joke after seeing that video
Alright, alright, alright… It’s Monday morning and there is a fresh stock of Artie’s Paleo OnTheGo in the fridge! Grilled sockeye salmon and the world famous “Paleoaf” (Paleo style meatloaf)
*Also, please remember to “be green” and return your containers to the gym… Thanks!
while on vacation, today i did a birthday WOD with my wife. i was born on 7/2/76 and today i turned 36.
WOD 1 (aka 7.2.76):
7 rounds of
7 KB swings (1.5/1 pood)
6 goblet squats (1.5/1)
8 mins rest
WOD 2 (Filthy 36):
36 paces (each way) shuttle run
36 SDHP (1.5/1)
36 burpees
36 paces each way Overhead log carry
36 double-unders
36 count plank hold
thanks to Jared and Peter for helping my wife find a good source for my birthday kettle bells.
Got to set 16, I was partner 1 and on set 17 i failed at 9, all together just a simple hard workout. The turkish get ups after all that was the cherry on top.
Worked up to 165# on the sumo deadlifts. Still working on having good form on that first lift when I deadlift.
Rachel G. and I teamed up for the WOD and we got through 17 rounds and then the second person getting through 6 of the next round. We were SO close to getting 18 solid. Good job, Rachel! Thanks for the push:)
what a fun workout! i’m glad we finally got to partner up, friend!
you did #175 on those deadlifts by the way, you strong lady 😉
405 for two sets, bumped down to 315 for the final three sets. Sumos felt funny.
WOD with Brandon
Round 16, first partner 17.
Skill_SSDL 265; 270; 275 (5)
WOD_@1.5 pood w/ Yogi (…sorry if I spelled your name incorrectly!)
16 (Y) + 8 (J)
Nice work, 7PM! Survived Drill Sargent Jared’s first workout!
Great competition class tonight!
For time:
5 sled pushes (out + back 25 yards = 1 push) high push out, low push back loaded with 90#
50 wall balls (20#)
5 sled pushes (out + back 25 yards = 1 push) high push out, low push back loaded with 90#
As RX’ed – 17:05
comp class
RXed – 20:06
15 sets even
Sumos are odd. I was all over the place – 215#s, 180#s, and then maybe something else. Thanks to Moises for all the help and reassurance that it was okay that they didn’t feel quite “right”
WOD with Jeanne and Elysa –
Rounds completed 17 + first partner 18
Great job ladies – was fun to be the chick group!!
With Christy: 17 Rounds
Sumo Deadlift: 5×5 145lbs
WOD with Jeff 15+8 for Partner 1
17 rounds plus 12 for me, the first partner