Revolution Natural Running & Walking Center stopping in for an informal “show and tell” of the various models of Inov-8 shoes. Kyle is a certified pedorthist and very passionate about CrossFit training, running, minimalist footwear and the barefoot running movement. He will be in town for the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon running expo and will be coming straight to our location following. Kyle will bring approx. 100 pairs of Inov-8s such as 195s, 230s, 220s, Road X Lite 155s and the new Bare X Line: 200s and 150s. Most importantly he will be offering a 10% discount on all shoe purchases. This is a great opportunity to actually try a pair of Inov-8s on in person before committing to purchasing a pair. Many of us at CFNT are currently wearing extremely high profile shoes which is having a negative impact on many of our movements. With that being said, we are also opening up our 6:30pm class that Thursday to all of the surrounding boxes to come check out CrossFit NapTown and enjoy a free WOD in a different location (sticking with the “constantly varied” theme of CrossFit). Our hopes is to show other CrossFitters in the Indianapolis area our personality as a community here at CrossFit NapTown. We encourage all to come to interact and socialize with others from surrounding CrossFit boxes while trying on some awesome shoes. Again, this is an open invite. So if you have friends or family who just love shoes, bring them along. If you have questions please contact Coach Jared at]]>
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11:52. All movements were brought off the ground.
Tough WOD to do on your own. Oddly enough this one actually looked tougher on paper than it really was, which rarely ever happens in CrossFit.
5×5 Deadlift @ 355# 5,5,4,5,3
11:47 as rx’d (bar from ground)
didn’t do situps, nobody told me! 🙂
Worked on the intermediate level for our strength cycle on the deadlift today.
Working set of 4×6 at 240#. Very doable so will probably use the advanced level next week since the deadlift is my weakest lift.
Did today’s workout with some modifications. My left shoulder is still bad so I went with 95#s for the Overhead Squats then went straight to 135#s for the Front Squats and the Back Squats. So it wasn’t technically rx’ed but definitely curious what my time would be with 135# OHS.
Time: 9:46
Deadlifts were at 325lbs. I was having a rough one today. I got through it butit definitely was not easy.
14:32 on the WOD. I struggle with my OHS. It took me 2 minutes alone to get through those. Running is still weak for me, but everything else wasn’t too bad.
DLs at 185 lbs as my 75% of max, 4×6 (still struggling w/ proper technique on DLs)
bare bar (45#s) for OHS, 95 lbs for front and back squats
Dead Lifts… 4×6 @ 75% = 95lbs
WOD Time: 13:31 with 53lbs