Yoga Pose & Focus : 7/19-7/24

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage” – Anais Nin

Get ready to roar, squad- it’s Leo season! Leo is the lion season, punctuated typically by great hair, heat and fierce personality, and we’re coming in hot and bold with this week’s theme of Kartikeya – the divine warrior who embodies courage. We want to explore how YOU find courage- how do you dig deep and what does it look like? For Kartikeya his courage shows up in how he fights and how he rides (his whip is a peacock- doesn’t get fiercer than that!). How does courage show up for you? Where can you invoke it more in your life and in your practice.

To match our theme, we are practicing skandasana (another name for Kartikeya) and pincha mayurasana (peacock pose) this week in our flow classes. One is a great hip and ankle opener, the other is one of the most fun (and challenging) inversions. Both a great way to explore courage. If you join us in Stretch or Restore, expect a supported low lunge practice to ground all that heat!
[Pictured is one of our favorite Leo’s in this week’s peak flow pose, @ompurvi ]