Yoga tonight and Saturday too!

Today’s Workout Push Press 5-5-5-5-5 16 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) 5 strict pull ups (sub rings rows) 5 plyo push ups 75 double unders 15 DL 275/155 Post-Foam roll, meet “The Grinder”]]>

14 thoughts on “Yoga tonight and Saturday too!”

  1. Elyse Merchant

    I’m coming in today and will modify the DL movement to something else…I think 65 reps at 185 lbs in 6 min this past weekend will suffice for my Deads for the rest of the week lol

  2. comp class: 8 min AMRAP of #95 thrusters with 5 burpees every minute. 27 reps total.
    post: 5 sled pushes (high down, low back). accidentally did the boy weight for the first 3 rounds @ #135.

  3. 41 total reps. Post 5 sled pushes. 2 at 135. 1 at 180. 1 at 235 (rachel and paige had to give it a boost for me to get it going) and for the grand finale, I was able to push 95lbs plus a standard Rachel down and 95lbs and a standard Paige back.

    1. the last part was too much fun!
      (never thought id use “fun” & “sled push” in the same sentence)

  4. 63# push press
    2 rounds + 5 pullups (scaled to 123#, green band, 30 DUs/round, and plyo pushups from the knees)