Monday: beginning our week with a lot of technical work on the snatch. This is the perfect day to come in and get a lot of practice reps in. Do not shy away from today because you hate snatching, come in to build that loving relationship! Your workout will also incorporate the snatch in the form of an old Open workout that we have seen twice over the years. Tuesday: beginning the day with more weightlifting technique, this time with the clean. Your workout will incorporate a heavy clean, jerk, and the bike for a fun and challenging triplet. Wednesday: we will spend the first portion of the day practicing higher skill movements that we will likely see in the Open as preparation for the coming five weeks. This is meant to be a practice session, not to get your heart rate up or race in any way. Finishing the day with a fast sprint couplet with two bodyweight movements. Thursday: core work and mobility to get going today. You will finish with a rowing and squat piece. The goal of this session is to get you moving around but not stretch you too thin to tackle the open workout on Friday. If you are not signed up for the Open, you will be abel to hit this hard and get a great workout. Friday: Dave Castro will be sharing his creation with us on Thursday at 8pm Saturday: closing the week out with a partner workout, grab your sweat mate for a good start to the weekend!]]>
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