Monday: getting started right away with a lengthy warm up that will help you build into the movements you will be doing in the workout. Eventually you will take on the triplet for time of a cardio piece, a gymnastics movement, and a weighted movement. Super classic CrossFit all week long. Tuesday: with the weather finally starting to agree with the season, we will be building into a time trial run for today’s workout. Your warm up will lead you into this and we will finish the day off with some skill work before sending you on your way! Wednesday: another structured warm up today to help you build into the workout. We will be sliding in a grip work piece between the warm up and the workout today. Challenge yourself to build to harder versions of this work as the sets go on (i.e. don’t get complacent!). You have a little date with the kettle bell for your workout today with a brief break for gymnastics work before heading back to your bell. Thursday: sticking to the theme of lengthy warm ups today with some interval based rounds of Cindy. These are not meant to be intense at all so scale the reps and movements back to your ability. The workout is all about intensity and should leave you feeling like you have breathed fire if you go fast enough! Scale your reps and movements to get that sprint like stimulus. Friday: finishing the work week off with a barbell workout. You will be working through 5 rounds of a complex with a fairly heavy weight. Very few people will be able to move through the sets unbroken so consider that when you are deciding on the weight you are using today. Saturday: getting outside with some partner fun and strong person work today! We will be playing with objects we do not have an opportunity to use all that often so have some fun with it and don’t be afraid to get a little messy! Have a fun and fit week!]]>
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