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6:05 as RX’ed
Had to dump my 90% squat. I need to eat more!
BS: 115, 130, 145 (5 reps)
WOD: 5:45 (55#)
“We will be having a Gym-Wide survive taking place within the next week or two.”
I’ve been waiting for this for all my life. A few questions, are we allowed to bring weapons of our own or only what we find in the gym? Does this idea stem from the fact that both the owners have recently been reading The Hunger Games?
Personally, I love the idea and can’t wait. 3, 2, 1, GO!!!!!
Dear Power Snatch,
Why must you be so awkward for me yet look so graceful for others? Let’s try and get along next time we hang out, k? Super!
6:35 55#
back squat: 95, 110, 120 for 4.
55# 3:25
I think my excitement for the weekend got me through this workout so quickly, or, i’m a wuss and need to use more weight….
95, 110, 125 x 4 ( i think?)
BS – 136#, 156#, 175# (4). Only two reminders on depth…improvement.
4:57 (85#).
WOD: 3:49 @ 35lbs (should have went up in weight)
BS: 77, 90, 100 x 6
Isabel 4’25″…Rx Homie
7:53 at 45# (also got a 50# PR on snatches today but was too much of a wuss to do that weight during the WOD).
6:00 @ 95 lbs.
3 reps at 90% BS
BS 145/165/ 185 x 5 reps -hurtin from wednesday!!
Isabel 13:45 RX …. or did not finish if you enforce the 12 min time cap haha
Skills_175-200-225 (6!)
Too easy; improved snatch form but need to believe in myself a bit more and push the weight. Next time.
Great work to everyone today! It was so much fun to see the improvements in all of your snatch form. Keep it up.
WoD 2:44.
Back squat 5@305! Really excited about this