8 thoughts on “Filthy Fifty”

  1. I must admit, I’m scared. I think the mini would be easier! Bring it! I’ll be there!

  2. Sooooo…….I just did the mini!!!!!
    I know this is suppose to be about the Filthy Fifty, but I HAVE to tell someone! I took 38 minutes off my time from 4 years ago!! 2.22.20!!!! I wasn’t ever winded or out of breath! The last 2 miles I told myself, I can do 10 minute miles, that’s just a 20 minute WOD…..I can do that…… You guys are such amazing coaches!!! Ok, I’m done 🙂

    1. Jeanne-
      That is absolutely amazing! Be extremely proud of yourself. The fact that you haven’t even trained and can go out and run a 38 minute PR is simply unbelievable.
      Keep up the great work and you will only see more gains in the future!!

    2. Jeanne Knocking 38 minutes off your time is truly an amazing accomplishment! Especially given the weather conditions created a very tough race to get through. The winner of the race finished two minutes slower than last year and today’s winning time was the slowest finish since 1992. What a great approach to compare the last couple of miles to WOD.

  3. great job jeanne!!!
    filthy 50 was…fun? 30:44
    loved getting to workout with some new/old faces!

  4. 31:59 (i think).
    that was a real good one, even though i almost lost my breakfast during the WOD, i can’t wait to do it again.

  5. 23:16 Rx’ed
    Need to do this one against someone to keep me moving. Too many breaks. Had some visitors in the middle of the workout too 🙂