The wedding will take place on Saturday March 24th 2012 @ 3pm @ Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church 1060 W. 30th Street Indianapolis, IN 46208 (The corner of 30th and Clifton). We hope to see you all there! Love, Artie & Erica (Stevens)
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WOD: 11:47 as RX’ed
500m row: 1:40
I landed 205# Push Jerk. Tried to jump to 225# but missed a few times and called it quits. I should have bumped to 215 first, but I’ll get it next time!
WOD 55#’s
I never remember by time!
90# Push Jerk, 100 here I come.
it is SOOO nice out. What a great day for a fun WOD with the door wide open!
68# push press
WOD 9:19 @ 33#
Row 1:56.1
push jerk – 135lbs -need to work on getting under the bar, I got 140lbs last week with the push press
wod – 9:32 – Rx’ed
500m row – 1:49.6
Erica and Artie – love your picture!
Push Jerk – up to 120#
WOD – 10:27 w/ 65#
500m row – 1:55.8
Push jerk – worked on form up to 73#. WOD – 11:24 w/ 43#.
correction – 11:54
Congratulations Artie and Erica!
Push Jerk 65#
WOD – 8:56 45#
Row – 2:09
10:22 Rx’d (sucks not being able to throw the bar down)
10:16 w/ 65#
125 # Push Jerk Failed at 155#