a fit & function show

TODAY’S WORKOUT “30-20-30” with a Twist

20 Min for 20 Rep Max for Bench Press


“Death by Pull Up”


Want to see Coach Peter and Coach Jared make there runway debuts??? Join us Friday night at Lululemon for a one of a kind event… a fit & function show

Lululemon Website and Link <Click Here

What do you get when you bring together the lululemon Keystone ambassadors, some of the amazing yoga & fitness leaders in Indy, a DJ, a runway, and lots of luon®? The first ever lululemon Keystone FIT & FUNCTION SHOW! Come check out our ambassadors and other members of the community as they model the latest lululemon gear and test the limits of our Fall line. The red carpet pre-show begins at 8:00pm and the runway show begins at 8:30pm.

Lululemon Facebook Page <Click Here




23 thoughts on “ a fit & function show”

  1. 20 rep max Bench Press – 135#
    18 rep max 155#
    Don’t get greedy when you add your weight!
    Pull ups: 13rounds + 10

  2. 20 rep max Bench Press – 135#
    18 rep max 155# — went too heavy too soon
    Pull ups: 10rounds + 8

  3. Hola mis amigos::: Another Monday is here and that means that more food is in the fridge. Please let me know if you have any suggestions as to how I could better serve you. Also, please know that you can write a check or take a meal home and bring the cash in later. DO NOT LET THE FACT THAT YOU DONT HAVE CASH ON YOU stop you from grabbing one of the meals. I have had several extra meals every week and my hope is to be able to get the word out so that doesn’t happen:) Thanks again… See you all soon!!

  4. 20 rep BP max – 95# (started too heavy though which messed me up)
    Death by Pull Up: 8+7 with blue band

  5. Btw… The burgers are med rare at most… If you get one you have the option to cook it to your liking!! Please forgive me for not mentioning this earlier!!!

  6. BP: #65
    (ummm…20 is a lot of reps.)
    WOD: 10 + 6
    (‘death by pull ups’ was not the best decision for me on ‘moving day’)

  7. Pullups was 8+5….I will overcome & dominate the pullup!
    Bench press: 70#. I owe a big thanks to Will. I wanted to stop after the 65, but he told me I could do it and I did:)
    Rachel, 20 is a lot of reps!

  8. Bench Press: 20 rep max 95#
    15 rep max 105# (then failed)
    Pull Ups:
    6+6 (using blue band) – I usually double band, so I’ll take it.

  9. WOD:
    Bench_105 (20x)
    Death by Pull Ups_14+10
    …good news, my kip is back! 🙂 Carl Paoli has some great videos out there on kipping if anyone wants to tweak their kip or feel like their form is a little off. I had a few ah-ha moments, corrected some MINOR things and BOOM, insta-kip.
    And props to Steph, who not only killed it with a blue band for the first time, but did the 8 minute round with a blue band. Girl, push away the baby steps–can’t wait to see you monster step to the red band next time. Confidence!!

  10. Bench Press 20 rep max = 75#
    I BROKE UP WITH THE GREEN BAND TODAY!!! Yay! Thanks Jared and Jamie for convincing me I was ready to make the jump!
    Death by PUs – 8 rounds +7 with BLUE band!