OLYMPIC Weightlifting MEET Day

OLYMPIC Weightlifting MEET Day Today is the Olympic Total Day. Just as the CrossFit Total Day (consisting of Strict Press, Squat, and Deadlift), we are aiming at reaching our 1 Rep Max on two movements.  The entire class is dedicated to these two movements.  You will be put through a warmup and then we will get after each lift.

Olympic Total

Find your 1 Rep Max Squat Snatch Find your 1 Rep Max Clean and Jerk (Full Clean=Squat Clean)

The Clean and Jerk (210kg ) Donny Shankle

The Squat Snatch (199kg) Kendrick Ferris (watch those hips and that explosion…sickness)

If you ever want to research the C&J or the Squat Snatch, “google” or “youtube” either of the above U.S. Olympic Weightlifters. Technique is what allows them to go as heavy as they can and why they are world class. And if you are confused about the conversions…

1 kilogram = 2.20462262 pounds

Yes, they are moving some heavy loads!!  

NOTE:  Tomorrow is Paleo Sampler Saturday.  Bring in your favorite Paleo recipe and treats for others to share and try.  Remember! You can only eat if you participate and bring a dish!!!


16 thoughts on “OLYMPIC Weightlifting MEET Day”

          1. Squat Snatch 63# (right Coach?)
            Clean Jerk 83#
            I was so darn close to 93, spent all my time trying and forgot to get 88! I will have 93 next week, that is for sure!

  1. 175# squat snatch
    230# clean & jerk
    Kinda wishing I would have tried a few more #’s on the c & j… felt pretty strong with 230.
    Thanks gentlemen!

  2. Didn’t feel great at all with the weight, was really worn down from work and lifting. Have done weight higher on both of these. Can’t have great days every day.
    C&J 225
    Squat Snatch 155

    1. Side note, I really enjoyed watching everyone set records and break barriers today. It was really a lot of fun to watch!

  3. Snatch 175#, still looking to get 185#. Mental block.
    Sq clean and jerk 235#, got the clean at 245#, missed the jerk.

  4. squat snatch 130 lbs
    squat clean & jerk 165 lbs
    first time i’ve done these for a 1 rep max, so i’ll call them PRs.