Paleo Sampler Saturday – Saturday, January 28th

What: Paleo Sampler Saturday When: Saturday, January 28th (During, between, and after the 9:30/10:30 class) Where: CFNT Why: To expand your horizons. To show off your Paleo cooking skills and recipes you may have uncovered. This Event is for all members of CFNT even if you are not competing in the official CFNT Paleo Challenge which ends February 2nd.

Format: We will have buffet tables set up on the gym floor and all members who participate can add their dish to the table. Food can be brought with you to the 9:30am or 10:30am class and eaten before and after class times.

Rules: You can only participate in eating if you bring a dish. It’s only fair to all who take the time and money to prepare something to enjoy this event. (I’ll be a stickler on this one.)

Items: Food can range from Paleo comfort foods (brownies, apple muffins, homemade larbars) to post meal snacks to full out meals. You decide. If you are going to participate please let Peter or myself know what you plan to bring so we are A)prepared and B) we don’t have 3 of the same dishes (I hear Egg Cupcakes are to die for but I’m sure we don’t want 3 people to bring them in). You can also post to the BLOG TODAY and we can accumulate a list of things that people plan to bring.

50:10 50 Seconds of Work / 10 Seconds of Rest-Transition 3 Rounds Max Effort for each movement for 50 Seconds. Every Rep counts as a point Rope Climb (1 Ascent = 15 points : Each foot = 1 point) Wall Balls (20/14) GHD REST SPACE Dumbell Thrusters (30/20/10) Box Jumps (30/24) Row (Calories) REST SPACE Pull Ups Pistols NOTES: Wear Long Socks or Pants for Rope Climbs   Post – Mobility Hip Stretch]]>

16 thoughts on “Paleo Sampler Saturday – Saturday, January 28th”

  1. 331.
    thanks to Coach Martin for helping me Rx the workout by doing the heavier DB thrusters. by round 3, the thrusters felt like one of the easier movements.
    i’m sure some of my pistols were questionable and my pull ups were definitely ugly.

  2. 485, I got my shin pretty nasty on the last round of box jumps. you should all be happy to know even Coach’s bite the dust.

  3. 275…. I used a band for the pistols… I really really enjoy the WOD’s w multiple stations like that! It’s hard but it’s such a shock to the system that I kind of like it.

  4. I’m not exactly 100% on what I’m going to bring so if it’s ok I will just surprise everyone. I will be watching the posts to make sure I don’t duplicate but I’m pretty sure I’ll be ok!

  5. The Gardners are still in for the Paleo smorgasbord, but I have no idea what I want to make. Any suggestions or requests? I will probably just wait to see what Eric wants, but he’s gone on a business trip right now. I’ll be sure it’s not a duplicate dish:)

  6. WOD_352
    I wish I was prepared with some long socks for the rope climb. I know I was warned but I didn’t plan well. The DB thrusters were the most tough for me. Gotta build up my upper body muscles!
    I am participating in the paleo sampler, but like Leslie and Artie I haven’t decided exactly what I am bringing. I hope to figure it out soon so I am not rushing on Friday night to whip up some Paleo miracle food!

  7. Just finished practicing kicking up into handstands and double unders in my apartment. Both are things I didn’t realize I was capable of until just this past week. Thanks, Jared and Peter, for being patient with me and helping me figure these things out! Also, thanks for taking the time to work with me to establish goals for myself. It’s such a great feeling to realize I’m getting stronger, and I’m looking forward to working toward achieving the goals I’ve set (deadhang pullups, here I come!). Jared, Peter, Jared, and Martin, you guys are doing an outstanding job of supporting your members and fostering a community. Thanks for everything, and keep up the good work!